Steve Millar

In this report, you will see many pictures of souls being won by the literature our featured pastors have handed out in their community outreaches and door-to-door. These soul-saving stories come from Kenya, Botswana, Nigeria, Zambia and the Philippines.

Do you know how to face the Fiery trials of your faith through God's way? This message will help direct you on how to do that and come out as a winner every time.

You may feel insignificant in the eyes of the world, but you can be great in the eyes of God and do marvelous works for Him if you have the kind of willing heart Rev. Steve speaks about in this message.

Each of us has a choice of many spirits we can yield to each day, both good and bad. Even Spirit-filled Christians can yield to the wrong spirits if they are not careful. This message will help you identify what choices you are making.

Many people who claim to be Christan don't understand what it truly means to follow him. This sermon shows the dangers of following the wrong crowd instead of Jesus.

Rev. Steve shares that people not only can lose their souls from lack of patience but are blocking God's blessings in their lives. If you still need to watch part one of this series, make sure to do so. These two sermons are full of helpful information on how to live a life of patience.