Friday 7 PM | Sunday 10 AM | Sunday 7 PM

In "Are You a Friend to God?" Rev. Chris emphasizes the importance of cultivating a close, personal relationship with God. A strong relationship with God requires time, effort, and sacrifice. He desires to be our Father and our Friend.


In this service, members and partners share testimonies of what God has done for them in their lives.

In this message, Rev. Chris explains that waiting upon the Lord is a crucial lesson for all children of God to learn if they wish to fulfill His will and receive the full benefits promised in His word. Many Christians view waiting upon the Lord as a negative experience, but it is quite the opposite. When you see waiting on the Lord as God does, you recognize it has a divine purpose.

In this sermon, Rev. Steve shares that no matter what challenges we face, there is nothing too hard for God. He encourages us to put Jesus first in our lives, even when it's inconvenient. Our actions, whether right or wrong, have the power to affect others. This sermon reminds us that God's power is limitless and He is always able to meet our needs.

This report shows you how the Lord is using the Growing in Grace program to reach people we could never reach any other way. This report features some of our pastor partners in Zambia, Nigeria, Ghana, Malawi, Uganda, Kenya and Bangladesh who are touching many souls.

Rev. Millar challenges us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance and follow God's direction, even when life isn't trouble-free. Using the book of 2 Kings, he shows that you can't go by your thoughts when the Lord moves on you to do something. You must go by His thoughts. God calls us to let the Holy Spirit work through us to bring others to Christ. Are you ready to let the Holy Spirit work through you?

In this sermon, Rev. Chris teaches the keys to having your prayers answered. When our prayers go unanswered, it's important to take time to determine whether what we prayed for aligns with God's will, or if we are not truly depending on Him as the Bible instructs. Prayer is more than just asking God for things; it is about spending time with Him. By studying His Word, obeying His teachings, and remaining in Christ, we can ensure that our prayers are in harmony with God's will.

Rev. Chris shared how a heart fixed on God is unshakable. Comparing examples like King David and the Apostle Paul to King Saul and Demas, he showed the power of living by faith and putting God first. A fixed heart resists fear, worry, and the enemy’s attacks, staying secure in God’s love. Is your heart steadfast in Him?